
Hubruzzo / Projects

Mapping the production excellences from Abruzzo

Fondazione Hubruzzo has developed a mapping of the production excellences from Abruzzo to describe experiences of quality, adding them in a unique database that is going to be updated annually.
Over three thousand businesses were examined in 2018. On five hundred of them, an in-depth study was carried out to get to analyse the first one hundred most representative excellences of the different production sectors. These excellences will be promoted and narrated, both to the local and the national stakeholders. The research has several values:

  • It stamps out the clichés on the Abruzzo industry, generating new credibilities.
  • It raises awareness of the regional business enterprises in the people from Abruzzo, fostering pride of belonging.
  • It serves as qualified “calling card” to present Abruzzo outside of the region, attracting new investors.
  • It lays the foundations for the construction of collaborative networks among businesses.

Sergio Galbiati, project-leader of the research on the excellences mapping

Abruzzo Etico: promoting the culture of legality

Legality is an economic value for the territory and a key factor for a better civil life. For these reasons Fondazione Hubruzzo has gathered police forces, judiciary, schools, public institutions, trade unions, trade and environmental associations. From this exchange of views, awareness raising campaigns will be developed that are going to bring the selected actors to join businesses and schools, in order to foster participatory processes and share anti-corruption best practices. We work in order that Abruzzo shall become a reference point in the business ethics culture, in order to promote the attraction of investments and talents. This cultural path that is going to be initially tested in Val di Sangro, sees the organizations -Honda, Valagro and Zecca Energia – as process generators.


Marcello Vinciguerra, project-leader of Abruzzo Etic